Ubuntu How do I get GRUB to remember my last booted operating system? On Ubuntu 20.04: -Edit your grub file: /etc/default/grub at the top, change the following line to look like this: GRUB_DEAFULT=saved and then ADD this missing line: GRUB_SAVEDEFAULT=true Save your changes and then run this command to update GRUB with the new values: sudo
Ubuntu STOP OPENING MY TERMINAL MAXIMIZED! For some reason, my Terminal windows kept opening maximized. This was driving me crazy. This command seems to have fixed it however: gsettings set org.gnome.mutter auto-maximize false Now, my terminal windows are opening normally based on my terminal profile settings.
Ubuntu Error: libdvd-pkg: `apt-get check` failed, you may have broken packages. Aborting... The software you probably installed something that wants to decrypt DVDs. The code for decrypting DVDs is...well, legally complicated, so it can't be packaged, it can only be compiled manually.
Ubuntu How do I install fonts in Ubuntu 20.04? Easy-peasy-lemon-squeezy. It's a two step process: 1) Copy the font files to the correct location There are two types of font files you can use: OpenType and TrueType. OpenType fonts have a .otf file extension. TrueType fonts have a .ttf extension. Make sure you put the files in
Ubuntu Fixing Docker over VPN on Ubuntu 20.04 If you are having trouble getting your docker containers to connect to network resources over a VPN, try this.